PBR (Physically Based Rendering)
or Classic (Blinn-Phong) Material
For Firestorm
with Mirror probe options, You need Firestorm versions 7.1.9
and newer versions. Keep in mind it is heavy on your graphics.
But if you want to try it, here is a version of Firestorm
that I have included here. The version 7.1.9 had too many
bugs to work with but they made some fixes and this version
works fine.
My laptop
settings are 16GB Ram and my Video is Intel® UHD Graphics
I used
Blinn-Phonginstead ofPBR.
It just seemed to work better for me and my sysem. For you
it might be different, it may work better for you using the
PBR. It's simply trying both settings and see what works for
My laptop
settings are 16GB Ram and my Video is Intel® UHD Graphics
For more
information Between Intel® UHD Graphics 620 and Intel®
Iris® Plus Graphics 640 CLICK
x64 7-1-10-75913 which you can download HERE.
with screenshot in a Winrar
file can be downloaded by clicking here ->
File size 556 KB
you only want the instructions without the screenshots, you
can download the text file here ->File
size 20.8
new tab opens the instructions, Right click > Select All
and copy and paste into a notepad.)
probe versions only works on x64 systems and will not work
on x32 systems.
Screenshot of the working mirror taken this evening
Operating System for your world or your Grid. Can also be
picked up at the SE Mall.
Simply put this URL in an Media Object.
Media in drop down menu for textures)
url: https://www.windows93.net
on PC Desktops and Phones as well. Just click the image below
and have fun!
in in 3D Virtual world that allows url's and Media
- SecondLife Browser Review
decided to do a browser test between Singularity, Firestorm
and Alchemy and Test graphics, LOD load times, options, and
how it runs on your system. All 3 browsers were
set on default environmental settings: Sunset.
Below I give my own opinion on the best and worst points of
each browser.
- Loads fast, easy on your system, graphics on default okay
but not great. Gives Admin abilities and advanced development
abilities. Loads LOD's, graphics quickly. Uploads most models
without an issue. For objects that are more complex uploads
are better in Firestorm. For world sounds it is difficult to
set the default sound for the world such as music and/or nature
sounds. Managing the Telehub works about 70% the time. Often
crashes during teleports.
- Graphics
on default are okay but graphics using EEP environmental settings
are amazing. Firestorm can upload more complex objects easier
than the others. LOD graphics take a bit longer to load, but
once they're in, you're good. Does not give Admin abilities
or advanced development options but gives you the opportunity
to request admin option but does not work because even if its
your grid, you don't get the request to approve. I felt limited
as far as admin control for my own grid and worlds. Firestorm
is easy to set the world sounds and setting the telehub works
100% of the time. Firestorm also does 360° photos where
the other browsers do not give that option but never crashes
on teleporting.
- Graphics on default and are gorgeous! Doesn't seem to have
an issue uploading and not too hard on your system. Does not
give Admin abilities or advanced development options or the
opportunity to request admin. Does give a DO NOT DISTURB option
along with a few options not found in the other browsers. No
issues when teleporting.
For graphics, Alchemy is far best with graphics on Default.
Firestorm is best for using EEP Settings, complex uploads, Telehub
management and for setting world sounds. Singularity is best
when building when you need full control of your own world and
items with the admin controls.
Below are
images of the same location with all 3 browsers.
are now listed in the HyperGrid Business
I am so
happy to report we are now listed in the HyperGrid Business
Website. Although they have us listed as SE3D Worlds, We are
You can
visit their website by clicking the image below
are now offering FREE regions
you are a member of this grid and you're unable to rent a region
at this time, we are offering a free homestead lot where you
can build your own home here on our grid with 5000 prims
for as long as you need. Simply renew the rental agreement
every 30 days by clicking the mailbox. Just head over to the
Galactic Homestead and
choose where you would like to build your own dream home that
you would like to see come into this reality. Visualizing your
dream home shouldn't be hindered by finances. For members of
this Grid only. No Exceptions. If you are new to the hyper-grid
unable to build a home, homes will be available at the community
center. Sorry...No Exceptions.
image below for a larger view
your Grid to Prevent Grief Attacks
attacks can be a major issue in virtual environments by causing
harm and disruption to users and their creations. There are several
steps that can be taken to mitigate these attacks and ensure a
safe and secure virtual experience in OpenSimulator and DreamGrid.
Verify Your Members: Check
your Members list regularly to see who your new members are.
The known griefers can easily be disabled so that they cannot
gain access to your grid as a new member.
Limit Group Access: Griefers
often join groups with loose membership requirements to gain
access to your grid and its resources. To prevent this, make
sure that your grid has strict membership requirements for all
groups, and consider disabling or limiting the permissions of
any groups that are not essential to the operation of your grid.
Limit The Ability to Move Objects:
Make sure "Anyone can Move" is off on your Objects.
Restrict Building and Scripting
for Guests : Guests are often griefers, so it's important
to limit their access to building and scripting functions. Consider
disabling building and scripting for guests entirely. Limit
their permissions so that they can only use these functions
in designated areas. This can help prevent griefers from using
these tools to cause harm to other users or their creations.
DreamGrid has many tools to help
with griefers:
The Regions List has a column that shows
you Parcel Permissions. It shows if the script, rez or land
editing are enabled. These should be turned off.
The Setup->Settings->Region form has
a button named "Make Regions No Rez". This will set
the database so visitors cannot rez objects or run scripts.
You must reboot the region for this to go into effect.
DreamGrid has special features that prevent
loading OARS with these permissions set. After loading an OAR,
the safe permissions take effect on next boot.
New regions will have Rez and Scripts off
by default.
Implement Anti-Grief Tools
: There are various ways to implement anti-grief tools available
for OpenSim grids. Anti-grief tools mitigate the risk of attacks.
Using your Firestorm or Singularity Viewer.
Region Monitoring such as
Access Lists: Add the avatars
who you would like to enter your Sim on a white list-Banned
on a Black List
Object Permissions: Set
to no copy no modifying
Object Locking: When an
object is locked, users are prevented from making changes to
its properties, such as size, color, and position.
Estate Ban System: If you
wish to prevent people from accessing the region/estate, they
may be added here.
Object Autoreturn: Allows
a timed return of objects other than owner or group owned. If
set to 0 the timer is off, otherwise will return items after
a set number of minutes. Before setting this please make sure
all items on your land are set to the same group the land is
deeded to. Then when anything is left on land not belonging
to you or group it will delete after the time indicated.
For example, auto-return can be used to automatically return
items that are left in inappropriate locations. Object Locking
is an anti-grief tool in OpenSim that allows estate managers
to restrict modifications or movements of specific objects in
virtual regions. Research your viewer to see what Anti-grief
tools it has.
Monitor User Activity :
Regular monitoring of user activity can help detect and prevent
grief attacks before they cause significant harm. Consider using
tools like log files and network monitoring tools to track user
activity, and take action if you see any suspicious behavior.
Bans can be set for Grids, IP addresses,
Viewers, and MAC addresses, and In V 3.53 and greater, for Disk
ID's. MAC addresses are a serial number found in Ethernet cards.
These bans shut off incoming traffic by using Robust capabilities,
and by adding entries to the Windows Firewall. They are not
a total solution but can work in many cases. This may not be
effective as the login name can be changed, the Viewer Name
can be tweaked, they may have another PC with a different MAC
or they may have changes it, and the IP may change by the ISP
or come from a VPN. You can get the Login Name and Grid http://name:port,
IP address, and MAC address of people from the Robust log as
it happens. You can also look in the menu system at Help ->View
Logs->Robust to view the log with Baretail.exe or Notepad.
Tips: If you are griefed
with many items strewn about---->Please don't delete everything
named "Object'!
You can get the UUID of any griefer from
the prim Information. Then you can delete all Griefer prims
from the console using these commands:
object owner <UUID> - Delete a scene object by owner
object creator <UUID> - Delete a scene object by creator
object name <name> - Delete a scene object by name.
object name [--regex] <name> - Delete a scene object by
name. A regex is a regular expression. Example: you have seagulls
named ‘seagull1, seagull2, etc.’. I would use –regex
/seagull\d/ to delete any with a digit. Or /seagull.*/ to do
any seagull with extra text. This last one will also delete
seagull_by_ferd, so it’s best to be very careful here!
If you are griefed and you have a lot of regions, you can add
any of the above commands into Opensim\bin\startup_commands.txt.
Then restart the grid and all those bits will go poof.
software updated: Regularly updating the software and
plugins used on your OpenSim grid can help prevent security
vulnerabilities from being exploited by malicious actors.
conclusion, taking these steps can help secure your OpenSimulator
grid and prevent griefer attacks. By verifying user identity,
limiting group access, restricting building and scripting for
guests, implementing anti-grief tools, and monitoring user activity,
you can create a safe and secure virtual environment for your
VR Mod is a version of the popular Firestorm Viewer for Second
Life and OpenSimulator with modifications to provide VR capabilities
for VR Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) via SteamVR. Firestorm VR
Mod is now available from https://github.com/humbletim/firestorm-gha/releases
Firestorm VR Mod Community Support use the Discord Discussion
P373R-WORKSHOP by p373r_kappler [Invite]
using ReleaseFS_open config plus VR Mod built using GitHub Actions
App name has been changed to "FirestormVR" so installation
can exist side-by-side with stock Firestorm
settings stored in user folder AppData/Roaming/FirestormVR_x64
cache stored in user folder AppData/Local/FirestormVROS_x64
core diff (just VR Mod vs. Upstream)
full diff (full GHA vs. Upstream, including build scripts specific
to github actions)
One/360 controller to run with the Oculus Rift installation
things go wrong with Firestorm this fix will get you back up
and running smoothly with or without vr:
to Preferences > Network & Files > Directories
Click the 'Open Settings Folder' button
A window will popup. Keep this window open.
Log off of the viewer (all accounts, if you have more than one
logged in).
Delete everything you see inside the folder. Navigate up one level to the folder above.
Now locate the folders which have the names of your avatar(s).
In each of these folders, locate the file settings_per_account.xml
and Delete it.
next time you log in, All settings
will be reset to default and odd things which
I recently encountered ---->losing the Legend Panel from
Map, this fixed it.
to protect your server from hackers, Priscila's etc.
your region and/or Grid from hackers, Priscila's and DDOS
atack is very easy, but most grid owners continue to not protect
their grid and servers.
There is 3 simple step guide for admins:
1. Disable BUILD for all visitors, guests,
friends..... ONLY OWNERS MUST BUILD! Priscila use THIS option
to fill your sim with cocks!
About land: Options:
Edit terrain: NO!!! Only SIM owner!
Fly: yes, why not?
Build: NO!!! Only SIM owners!
Object Entry: NO!!! Only SIM owners!
Run Script: yes! or mesh body like Athena will not work properly
Safe (no damage): YES!!!
2. Always use router or at least software firewal:
On your router:
my server use IP port 9000-9010, some server may use 8002
don't open port 8003, 3306, 3389 or other numbers what you
see somewhere!
config redirect
option src 'wan'
option name 'SIM'
option target 'DNAT'
option dest 'lan'
option dest_port '9000-9010'
option src_dport '9000-9010'
option reflection_src 'external'
option dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
list proto 'tcp'
list proto 'udp'
config nat
option src_port '9000-9010'
option name 'OpenSim'
option dest_port '9000-9010'
option src 'lan'
option src_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
list proto 'tcp'
list proto 'udp'
option target 'SNAT'
option snat_ip 'WAN ip XX.XX.XX.XX'
config rule
option src_port '123'
option src 'wan'
option name 'opensimDROP'
option dest 'lan'
list dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
option target 'DROP'
list proto 'udp'
option dest_port '9000'
config rule
option src_port '1900'
option src 'wan'
option name 'opensimDropp'
option dest 'lan'
list dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
option target 'DROP'
list proto 'udp'
3. Make backups!
are Ready for Christmas!
Only are we ready for Christmas... We have a Beautiful Christmas
Gift just for YOU! We created a "Christmas
Starter Town" with plenty of room to add your own items
into the Region to make it your very own! You will find the
region on the OAR page of this site. You can also visit in-world
by grabbing a landmark or just teleporting to the HOLIDAY
Our Family to Yours.... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
those Thanksgiving Memories
I remember as a kid, going to Grandma's, then visiting cousins,
aunts, uncles... Remember that "Home" feeling. I created
this Oar in hopes that it will bring some of that nostalgia back
along with some of those wonderful memories as well. You remember
that song we used to sing in school, Over the River and Through
the Woods........... I was thinking of that when creating the
oar. Wonderful times!
Mesh Loader Options in Firestorm!
from the Source dropdown how you will specify your model's LOD:
Load from file:
upload .dae files for models at any level of detail. This enables
you to control how your model looks at each level of detail,
preserving key visual features that the automated algorithms
may otherwise distort. If the viewer can “auto-detect”
lower LOD models when it first loads the model, these will be
shown in the corresponding LOD “slots” here.
Generate Auto:
a new model at the currently previewed level of detail based
on the model you uploaded. This method currently defaults to
using the sloppy method and tries to set a target number of
triangles based upon the high LOD. This is the method applied
when first selecting your model if no auto-detected LODs are
Generate Precise: Uses the newer method (mesh optimiser) to
construct a LOD model. This is more accurate than the “sloppy”
method but will result in a more detailed model. Target triangle
settings and thresholds are very loosely adhered to.
Generate Sloppy:
Uses the newer method (mesh optimiser) to construct a LOD model.
The “sloppiness” relates to the accuracy of the
result compared with the original. Target triangle settings
and thresholds are very loosely adhered to.
Generate Reliable:
the older method (GLOD) to construct a LOD model. This method
is what we have been used to in the past; it gives reliable
results based upon the target settings.
For all generated LODs the following settings are available:
Triangle limit: Enter the maximum number of
triangles for the model at the selected level of detail. This
number must not exceed the number of triangles in the LOD above
Error threshold: Increase this value to decrease
the amount of detail retained during simplification. For example,
setting this value to 0.1 results in a model that is simplified
to 90% of the original model's accuracy.
Note: At present, the new Mesh Optimiser options
have very poor adherence to these and can result in unexpectedly
high Land Impact if you do not take care to check before upload
Use LOD above: Copy the next higher level of
detail. If you set Medium, Low, and Lowest to this setting,
only the model for High will be used.
and Sally's Place
of Virtual
HG Magazine was kind enough to write an article
in the sim review regarding Jack and Sally's place.
A BIG THANK YOU for such a wonderful article.You
can READ
IT HERE. Click the Screenshot below to read the full article.
I say more..............
Photo by Alan Scot of Outworlz/DreamGrid
passes Second Life
Factoid: There are 2,915 Region Instances
currently listed in the DreamGrid DYN DNS database, totalling
33,405 SL-sized regions. This includes only the Outworldz.net
and Inworlds.net regions and only those running the later
versions of DreamGrid. So this is a 'short count'.
spite of that, we are 2X the size of all SL Private Estates
and larger than all of Second Life, including mainland and
Linden land and homes. IP addresses and other domains to will
also be added as well so look for that to show up, so this
stat will be interesting to see in the near future!
Photo by Fred Beckhusen of Outworlz/DreamGrid
up............... There's a new scam out there and it freaked me out. I
received this email this morning , directly from PayPal. BUT....
I went directly to PayPal, I DID NOT click on their link.
I logged in to my PayPal and there was a notification for
estimate. I clicked the notification IN PAYPAL and it said
the invoice was removed. But it was scary. Here is a copy
of what I got in my email and I also found a video describing
the scam. If you receive something like
this, DO NOT call them or click their link. GO DIRECTLY to
PayPal or OR CALL PAYPAL DIRECTLY, do NOT click the their
link or call the phone number they give in the email. Stay
alert, Stay aware and Stay safe.
head over to our welcome center and you will find a halloween
scene, click the box for a copy of the scene and grab the
LM to get to Skull Town.
your eyes peeled... We have added a Holiday
Region that you can explore on our grid. You
can also download a copy of your very own from either here
on our website and/or Outworldz.
Regions schedule are as following:
Friday, Sept. 15, 2022 until Thursday, November 24, 2022.
unending debate between Second Life and Opensim continues...
is an open-source server platform originally launched in 2007
for hosting virtual worlds and metaverse environments, which
make it more affordable to the average person like you and I.
Opensim is largely compatible with the virtual world Second
Life. Don't get me wrong, I love Second Life as much as most
of you and I love to visit during the holidays just to take
the beauty of it all, but I wouldn't want to pay the type of
prices they charge when I can enjoy the same thing at an affordable
is written in C# and is designed to be easily expanded through
the use of plugin modules such as Diva, etc. OpenSimulator can
operate in one of two modes: standalone or grid mode. In standalone
mode, a single process handles the entire simulation. In grid
mode, various aspects of the simulation are separated among
multiple processes, which can exist on different machines.
people seem to think that the term "Opensim"
means everything is free and that is not
the case. Opensim is simply an open platform for others to be
able to contribute to the software development for improving
the function, modules, plugins, EEP's for better runtime environment
and experience for all to enjoy.
doesn't mean just because the development software is free that
everything else is free.There is so much more to it.
In the PDF blow you will find the Pro's and Con's to both Second
Life and Opensim. I believe that if you're paying for server
space, hosting, hardware and maintenance then you should be
able to charge for regions rentals and items of your own creation.
point I am trying to illustrate is that opensim uses the hardware,
bandwidth and operating environment, hosting, server and maintenance
costs. OSgrid is constantly asking residents for donations to
keep their grid open, which is understandable considering it
takes money to run because nothing is free.
are some grids such as ZetaWorlds, Kitely, NeverWorld among
others including my own grid that
charge a monthly fee but at a reasonable cost that is affordable
for you and is able to cover the costs on our end to continue
bringing you the very best we can. Because everything
costs money.
might be able to get free land somewhere but rest assured, $OMEBODY
Is paying for it and it is only fair that if you're getting
free land, you should at donate what and when you can or contribute
in some way. Some grids have strict do's and don'ts but ours
are very simple.... You can read the Terms
of Service here.
the cost of FREE for you is very HIGH for others" (I can amost see grid operators nodding their
heads at this statement.)
am not against free stuff, I give lots of free stuff
all the time. I just think it is unfair for people to EXPECTeverything to be free when the grid owner is
paying for the hosting, bandwidth, server costs and maintence.
thing... I see nothing wrong with selling items of your
own creation. People need to realize creating those
items take time, effort and hard work to create things for others
to enjoy. If you're the creator and you want to give it away,
Great! If you're the creator and you want to sell your item,
can't believe I'm having to say this but.....
long as you're the creator of that item, I see no reason why
you can't sell it, give it away or do what you want with it.
That is for nobody else to say but you.
again I am blessed to have been featured in another article
by Virtual-HD Magazine. I was asked to create a Gateway so others
can add to their grid for easy access to my grid. Click the
big Screen-shot image below to read it. (You
may have to scroll down)
I am blessed to have been featured
in an article with Virtual-HD Magazine. Click the big Screen-shot
image below to read the article. A very special "Thank
You" to Marianna Monentes of Continuum Grid from Outworldz.net
(You may have to scroll down)
Click on photo below
for a larger view!
have completed our interactive region map of some of our most
popular regions. You will find this map fun and informative.
Mouse over each region to learn more. Please be sure pop up
blocker if off for this page. Some regions still currently
under construction.
Lights, Sled Rides, Train Ride, Gift Hunts, Ice Skating, Sledding,
Sking, Dancing and more!!!
Buildings are FREE and available at the North Pole
as our Christmas Gift to you!
Teleport located at the Welcome Center.
Welcome Center (Pictured above)
Officially Open!!!
through the TP located in the Welcome Center at SE3D
Events with Lots to do!
Visit the Christmas Forest and find hidden presents
Take a tour on Santa's sleigh around the grid
Ski, skate, dance, rent a free house for the holidays
Find hidden items through the entire region
Ride the Polar Express
are a few screenshots...
click to view full size
Beta 6.4.5 (60799) EEP!
Tuesday, July 28th, 2020, Firestorm released a beta
version of their viewer – –
that provides support for the Lab’s Environment
Enhancement Project (EEP), and which includes a number
of other Lab-specific updates to the viewer, such as
the Camera Presets capability. Although it has been
scrapped by Firestorm, we have the Firestorm Beta 6.4.5
(60799) Version avaliable for download by Clicking
here. For information and help setting
up your EEP GO
glimpse at the Environmental Enhancement Project (EEP)
Partnership Scripts works in the "Love is in the
Air" Chapel. If you want to start a partnership
or end one, it can be done at the chapel.
you relog in, you will see your partner listed on your
Click on photo for larger view
you join partnerships at our chapel, and would like
to have your picture on the wall inside our chapel,
simply send me your pic in world or on the Opensim
World page and I will be happy to add it! It will
look like this...
availabe at the Welcome Center!
Free Desktop Wallpaper
Download size 1812 x 903 Right
Click and "Save As"
Free Facebook Timeline Cover
Download size 850 x 315 Right
Click and "Save As"
Love is in
the Air is now Now Open!!
that time of year where Love is in the Air!! Romantic
Getaways, Get married/create partnership or dissolve
existing partnership. (we have the partnership script)
at the chapel. All buildings have been created especially
for this world. Feel free to stay in our Hotel, one
of our homes or our Honeymoon Suite, dance, take a carriage
ride, hang out at the club or just spend time with that
special someone while creating moments those breath
taking moments will last forever. Head over
to our WELCOME CENTER and Grab a LM for the "LOVE
IS IN THE AIR" region. You will find this
region is one of the most beautiful and romantic regions
you'll find. We hope you enjoy this beautiful region.
You can find our Opensim Page for more info Here: https://opensimworld.com/hop/85084
sure to pick up your free gift at the Welcome Center
to celebrate Valentines Day!
have successfully created our very own 3D Grid and are
now open to the public!!