All OARS and its Content must be freely distributed, C/M/T. Resale is not allowed!

Most regions are 1x1 - Unless stated otherwise, So Please... read descriptions carefully!

All files are contained in a .rar file. If you don't know how to open a .rar file, Click here.

When you see worlds below or anywhere for that matter and you wish you could actually live it, Use your imagination as if you're seeing it in first person view, small the plants, feel the grass between your toes and use every one of your senses as if you've already experienced it and believe the Universe will bring it to you, that it's already done and it will become reality into your life in the Universe's perfect time.


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Description of each Oar below
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Christmas Wonders V2



Christmas Wonders V2 is more beautiful with many more items. Some accessories are from freebies given by the most talented and wonderful creators in the opensim-hypergrid and some accessories were created by me and the buildings were created by me as well. I hope you enjoy. Do Not Sell. Be kind and pay it forward 728 MB New items are not shown is 360° photo.

Merry Christmas and Namaste!


Galactic Homestead



The Galactic Homestead is a region where you can allow people to choose their free home and place it on a plot of land. Also has a community center to hangout at. Everyone deserves to have their own home on the Hypergrid. That is the purpose of this region, so if you are a grid owner, this is perfect to start your own Neighborhood homestead for your newcomers.

How it works:

Inside the community center, they go to the second level and choose a home. Then, they click a lot shown on the chart inside the community center where they wish to establish their home and they are immediately teleported there. The community center is where people can hangout, dance and have fun! The Dance floor has pose balls so you can have 2 NPC's dancing together or they can dance with an NPC if they choose. The photo here shows all NPC's dancing together. The band and stage is also included.

All buildings created by me "The Shirls" A.K.A. Tainted Angel of SE3D Worlds. Most accessories such as Lamps, lights, furniture, trees, etc. were from "Freebies" found throughout the Hypergrid/Opensim from wonderful and talented creators who were kind enough to share their work with us. Do not sell and Pay it forward. 108 MB


Mediterrainnean Island



The Mediterranean Island is a beautiful region of Mediterrainean Homes designed especially for you, made with love. All buildings created by me "The Shirls" A.K.A. Tainted Angel of SE3D Worlds. Some accessories such as Lamps, lights, furniture, trees, etc. were from "Freebies" found throughout the Hypergrid/Opensim from wonderful and talented creators who were kind enough to share their work with us. Do not sell and Pay it forward. 120 MB


Write Your Own Life



Write Your Own Life!
Enter the gates of this Enchanting world where YOU write your own life. Your brain doesn't know the difference between reality and imagination as both are equated with an "Experience" because it involves all of our senses. When you use your imagination and all of your senses. Sight (through your own eyes in imagination, not 3rd person), Feel, hear, touch, smell and taste. Believe it's already happened. I know i seems hard or crazy but if you can believe for 30 seconds that it has already been done. Your brain sees it as an experience and God/The Universe will change everything around you in this life to make it line up to that experience. I know... it sounds too good to be true but it is. But Start small and work your way up to the bigger things. It's like a muscle that you have to exercise every day to develop our strength, the more you use it, the easier and faster it happens. Your imagination is the God/Christ within you. It is a known fact that you cannot create something out of nothing, but If you see it in your imagination, it already exists in another timeline, realm, world or dimension and you're pulling it into this life. We have been taught the opposite our entire lives so we cannot see our true power that we have within ourselves. You have to look within. Look up Neville Goddard "How to use your imagination" or his Grandson Elmer O. Locker jr. Tesla used his imagination before he did anything. Believe it's done, then..... carry the attitude... "Whatever..... it was already done so I don't care." during the day and visualize at night until you go to sleep, as if it is already done and fall asleep. This is the Law of attraction and the law of resistance working together to bring it in. You know how when there is something you don't want to happen and it always does? That is the law of resistance. You want something undone, use the law of revision. If you received an disappointing message, go back in your imagination and re-write receiving that letter but this time it is in the way you want to see it. Believe it happened that way and you will see the change. Use the law of resistance and watch what happens. It will shift in your favor. I really hope you enjoy this world along with the others I've created. Remember you can create worlds here for the otherside for when we cross over to experience. There is no limit to what you can do. All my worlds are made with love and intention. All buildings created by me "The Shirls" A.K.A. Tainted Angel of SE3D Worlds. Most accessories such as Lamps, lights, furniture, trees, etc. were from "Freebies" found throughout the Hypergrid/Opensim from wonderful and talented creators who were kind enough to share their work with us. Do not sell and Pay it forward. 208 MB


Your Town



A very beautiful starter world with people included to create your own town. I have added a few things to get you started:

1.Welcome Center
2.Travel Center
3.McKee Restaurant
5.Car Rental with vehicles

Made with intention and Love. May the 3D world you create serve you well. All buildings created by me "The Shirls" A.K.A. Tainted Angel of SE3D Worlds. Most accessories such as Lamps, lights, furniture, trees, etc. were from "Freebies" found throughout the Hypergrid/Opensim from wonderful and talented creators who were kind enough to share their work with us. Do not sell and Pay it forward. 144 MB


A Happy Life



A very beautiful townwith people included to create a Happy Life in 3D for your very own.

Made with intention and Love. May the 3D world you create serve you well. All buildings and some accessories created by me "The Shirls" A.K.A. Tainted Angel of SE3D Worlds. Some accessories such as Lamps, lights, furniture, trees, etc. were from "Freebies" found throughout the Hypergrid/Opensim from wonderful and talented creators who were kind enough to share their work with us. Do not sell and Pay it forward. 123 MB


Skull Town V2


Skull Town V.2

Skull Town V.2 Many more items added to the Original.

Do not sell it and Pay it forward.

This is a large file:
Region size is 1x1
The download file size is 1.14 GB



Haunted Village



Made with love and intention bringing beauty and fun into the haunted season. All buildings created by me "The Shirls" A.K.A. Tainted Angel of SE3D Worlds. Most accessories such leaves, lights, furniture, trees, characters, etc. were from "Freebies" found throughout the Hypergrid/Opensim from wonderful and talented creators who were kind enough to share their work with all of us. Do not sell and Pay it forward.

622 MB



Home for Thanksgiving



Made with love and intention bringing beauty and fun into the Thanksgiving season. All homes have working light switchs in the kitchens and working refrigerator doors. All buildings created by me "The Shirls" A.K.A. Tainted Angel of SE3D Worlds. Most accessories such leaves, trees, etc. were from "Freebies" found throughout the Hypergrid/Opensim and the rest was made by me. Do not sell and Pay it forward.

125 MB



Oar Pages


New oar files are being added all the time and are made with Love!


Like my work? Buy me a coffee! Any donations are greatly appreciated!

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