Works in Firestorm versions 7.1.9+, the beta viewer and up PBR MIRROR Step 1: Enable Mirrors in your Preferences (Preferences>Graphics>Mirror put in check) Go to Mirror update rate: choose every frame Step 2: Enable "Select Reflection Probes" from the "Build/Options menu Build>Options> click on "Select Reflection Probes" to put a check next to it. Step 3: Create a shiny Surface - it can be PBR (Physically Based Rendering) or Classic (Blinn-Phong) Material Build>Create> (choose cube)raise up and flat then right click and choose Edit>choose face> Textures>blank> Then under Texture tab, put in these numbers. Glossiness 255 Enviroment 255 Step 4:Create a Mirror reflection probe Right click>Edit>Features>put a check where it says Resollution Probes and across from it under "static"choose "Mirror Everything" Step 5: Enable "SNAP" and set the buld ruler to "Local" Step 6: Rotate the reflection probe, so the Z-Up axis (blue arrow) points away from the shiny surface Step 7: Move the Mirror probe so its center lies just above the shiny surface. Basically, you're positioning the cube in center of the shiny serface. Step 8: Resize the Mirror Probe to fit. Basically stretch to fit the height and width of the shiny surface. Step 9: Any shiny surface in the same plane inside the mirro probe will now be a mirror. Keep a copy of the probe so you can use it for other shiny objects to use as a mirror and adjust to fit any object. While adjusting your mirror probe, you will notice the box is yellow. Once you are done adjusting your mirror probe, go back into Build>Options> Click on "Show Reflection Probe volumes" to make the box clear and the yellow will be gone. If image is blurry or choppy: Change the mirror texture resolution from 512 to 2048 and it will be much clearer I think, I haven't had the chance to try it yet, but it was mentioned in one of the lab gab videos a while back that one of the main reasons they added 2048 textures was to make mirror surfaces less blurry. LINK: