How to Create Default Custom Avatars for your Grid For Opensim Grid Owners Only •----------------------------------------------------------------------• Custom Default Avatars for Opensi wear clothes and body parts that YOU WANT your new users to wear when logging in the first time. This way new users already look nice from the beginning and they do not have the ugly default look. Follow these easy instructions to create each of the custom default avatars for your own Opensim grid. These instructions will show how to setup the Tiny Avatar. 1. Use Firestorm - This will not work in Singularity 2. Create an account for each of the default avatars and their first and last name should be named as: A. Female Avatar B. Male Avatar C. Neutral Avatar D. Tiny Avatar If your grid does not offer the Tiny Avatar option, simply create an account for the other 3 defaults listed above. These instrucitons are NOT for your PERSONAL AVATAR. These are for creating the custom default avatars that you want people to look like when they first signup on your grid and log in. 3. Sign into Firestorm as Tiny Avatar When the Default avatar first comes in, it will look like the defaults. (Purple shirt, Blue pants, brown hair) But Don't Panic... that's why you're here, to change that. 4. Choose an outfit you wish for all Tiny Avatars to look like when they first come in. Once you finalized your look for the Tiny Avatar. 5. In your inventory, create a folder and name it "Tiny Avatar. Make sure everything your avatar is wearing is placed in that folder. Everything, which will included eyes, skin, shape, hair, clothes, shoes, HUDs and any attatchments your avatar is wearing folder. 6. Make sure you DRAG the "Tiny Avatar" folder filled with items that your avatar is wearing into the "BODY PARTS". 7. Look in your inventory, under the "Worn" tab and make sure your avatar is not waring the default purple shirt and blue pants your avatar first came in with. 8. When you look in your inventory both the "Clothing" folder and the "Outfits" folder should be empty. 9. Log out. 10. If you want to test it, create a new Tiny Avatar using any first and last name you choose. That avatar should come in looking just like the new "Tiny Avatar" you just created. •----------------------------------------------------------------------• I used Outworlz software to create my grid and I own my own server which I purchased a VPS Windows server thorugh ZAP HOSTING. You can host your grid on your laptop or desktop computer. You can even create your grid on a desktop and log in with your laptop or another desktop. You can also rent or purchase server. How you choose to run your grid is up to you. You can run Hyper-grid or Local-grid. Local is an on or offline version where Hypergrid (Teleporting to other grids) is not an option. You can also find an offline grid version by clicking HERE) Outworldz software only works on a Windows system only but if you're on MacOS or Linux, you can use Wine or any windows simulator to run your windows grid for this particular outworldz software. I know there are places like Contabo and many more places that you can rent a server but the only place I'm aware of where you can actually purchase a life time server is through ZAP HOSTING. I know there are more places.... but those are the ones I'm aware of. These Instructions should work on any Opensimulator software that you have. If you would like a Text File copy of these instructions, click the icon below Namaste!